ome Common Poisonous House Plants (And Products) That Cats Should Never Eat!

Poisonous house plants and poisonous household products can seem very inviting, unfortunately, for a curious cat. These items should be kept away from your cat in sealed containers or, in case of plants, out of the cat's reach.

You may not see your cat eating or licking these substances, but if your cat is excessively drooling/vomiting, has convulsions, muscle tremors, or weakness, they may have been into something poisonous. Call the vet (they may have immediate steps they want you to take before you leave) and get your pet veterinary help immediately. (See also the symptoms of cat shock.)

If you know what the substance was that your cat ate or drank, bring the bottle with you to the vet. The easier it is for the vet to know what poison they are dealing with, the faster your pet will get help.

If you do not know the name of the poisonous house plant, break off a sprig if you can to take with you, provide a detailed description, or take a picture of the plant with your phone.

Try to prevent accidental eating of poisonous household products by either not using them at all, or making sure the bottles are closed tightly with no spillage.

Think about your cat's habits and adjust accordingly - for instance, don't put toilet bowl cleaner into the bowl, leave the lid up then leave the room. The cat could hop up and take a drink before noticing the cleaner. Cats are very curious!

If the product is hazardous to humans' skin or is toxic to us, it will also harm pets.

However, there are some products - Tylenol or any human painkillers - that are toxic to cats even in small amounts.

Some Poisonous Household Products:

  • Antifreeze - this one causes a lot of trouble. It smells "sweet" to cats, so they drink it. Close bottles tightly, make sure none has spilled on your driveway. It is VERY toxic to cats!

  • Insecticides and Snail Bait - keep ant traps, Raid, snail bait and any other insecticides away from your cat.

  • Aspirin, Tylenol, etc. - No human painkillers, antidepressants, etc, should be given to cats, including cold remedies!

  • Amphetamines - commonly found in human diet pills, stimulant pills.

  • Rodent poisons - keep away from pets. It is best not to use rodent poisons at all - use traps instead or call professional removers.

  • Herbicides - Use organic garden fertilizers and weed control. If your neighbour or area uses weed killers, keep pets off the grass at least until the next heavy rain.

  • Household cleaners and disinfectants - keep bottles closed, in cupboards or out of reach. This also includes drain openers, grease dissolvers, metal cleaners, and wood cleaners.

  • Photographic developer

  • Car batteries, battery acids

  • Fireworks and matches - keep away from pets due to phosphorus content.

Some Common Poisonous House Plants:

  • Philodendron (leaves)

  • English Ivy (leaves, berries)

  • Lily of the Valley (leaves, flowers)

  • Daphne (bark, leaves, flowers)

  • Oleander (all parts)

  • Castor Bean (seeds, foliage)

  • Monkshood (all parts)

  • Autumn Crocus (all parts)

  • Poinsettia (all parts)

  • Larkspur (seeds, young plants)

  • Foxglove (leaves)

  • Golden Chain (leaves, seeds)

  • Daffodil (bulbs)

  • Diffenbachia/Dumbcane (all parts)

These are the more common plants. If your cat seems ill or is having symptoms of poisoning, call your vet!

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